
Is liposuction in Turkey an ideal solution for you?!

Are you self-conscious about the disproportionate amount of fat deposits that you carry in certain areas of your body? Would you like to target specific areas of your body, such as butts, hips, or stomach without affecting your whole body appearance? Are you tired of exercising or following a hard diet that seems without a significant impact on your body?

Liposuction might be your ideal weight loss solution!

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What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that targets specific parts of the body with an excess amount of fat. It is done under local anesthesia and aims to improve the body contour. Liposuction is commonly based on the VASER technique, which uses advanced technology to break down fat, resulting in impressive results with less pain. VASER technique is a powerful alternative that utilizes ultrasound energy to dissolve fat cells. It gives immediate results and requires less time for recovery than traditional liposuction.

Who is a good candidate for liposuction?

The ideal candidate for liposuction should be:

  • Over 21 years old.
  • You should be in good health
  • You should have a stable weight and BMI.
  • Your body does not respond to diet and exercise.
  • You want to enhance specific areas in your body without impacting other parts of your body.
  • You are afraid of surgical intervention and want a minimally invasive way of body contouring.
  • You should enjoy good skin elasticity.

Liposuction pre-operative instructions

Even if you are qualified to be a candidate for liposuction, there are still some important recommendations you should consider to ensure better performance during the operation

  • You should stop taking medicines that contain aspirin, ibuprofen combinations, anti-inflammatory, or Vitamin E that lead to blood thinning.
  • These medical products may increase the risk of bleeding during surgery.
  • Avoid smoking for at least two weeks before the operation. Nicotine products may affect the results of your surgery and hamper the healing process.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol or coffee for a week before the operation, because the stimulants may increase the risk of some complications after receiving the anesthesia.
  • Avoid eating or drinking on the day before the surgery.

How does liposuction work?

Liposuction is not a complicated surgery, it is based on the VASER technique which makes the operation pass easily.

  • Firstly, liposuction requires general or local anesthesia which is given to the patient. Your doctor will recommend the appropriate choice for you. 
  • Then, the doctor fills the target areas with a medicated solution.
  • It is time to use the VASER technique. The problem areas treated by ultrasound waves come from the VASER to break down and dissolve the fat cells completely.
  • Next, small incisions are made around the target areas which are enough to insert a thin tube called a cannula.
  • The dislodged fat is removed from the body via a cannula connected to a surgical vacuum.
  • Finally, special sutures are used to close the incisions, and the treated areas are bandaged.

Types of Liposuction

Liposuction is classified into several types based on the techniques used. The following are the most commonly used techniques today, although there is nothing called liposuction without surgery, those types of liposuction are minimal invasive and simple.

1. Tumescent liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is a popular type of liposuction that involves injecting a sterile solution containing salt water, lidocaine, and epinephrine into the target areas of the body. This solution is made to melt the fat deposits in the body and help suction the dissolved fat with the cannula out of the body easily.

2. Laser-based liposuction

Laser-assisted liposuction employs laser technology that is inserted into small incisions, generating an intensive energy beam that liquefies fat cells and affects no surrounding tissues.

3. Ultrasound-based liposuction

This technique breaks up fat cells by using ultrasound energy. The UAL technique easily and quickly removes a larger amount of fat. VASER is a modern version of UAL that effectively reshapes the body with minimum skin wounds.

4. Power-based liposuction

Power-assisted liposuction is based on the vibration of a cannula that moves quickly back and forth under the skin. The main advantage of this approach is that it gets rid of large amounts of fat with minimum pain and swelling.

Which liposuction removes the most fat?

Power-assisted liposuction often has the greatest capacity to remove fat from the body. More than any other method of liposuction, it can liquefy and remove the maximum amount of fat possible thanks to its vibrating cannula, which goes quickly back and forth inside the body.

What liposuction technique is best?

VASER liposuction is considered more minimally invasive than the traditional approach. It requires small incisions to insert ultrasound probes that break apart fat cells effectively without harming the underlying tissues. Therefore, several medical experts find VASER liposuction is one of the best techniques to sculpt the body ideally and safely.

Liposuction pros and cons

What are the advantages and disadvantages of liposuction? Here are common positive and negative points you should consider when you think about liposuction.

Benefits of liposuction

Let’s have a look at the most common pros of liposuction:

  • Liposuction is an effective way to eliminate fat deposits under your skin.
  • Sculpt your body, giving you a healthy and reshaped contour.
  • Target a particular part of your body that requires fat removal and reshaping.
  • Getting back your ideal body balance.
  • Liposuction is a powerful treatment for swelling in the arms and legs, which is called lymphoedema.
  • Liposuction can deal with gynecomastia effectively. Gynecomastia is an abnormal build-up of fat under a man’s chest.
  • Liposuction is an ideal solution for lipoedema. It is an abnormally accumulated fat in the legs, thighs, and buttocks.

Liposuction risks

Like other plastic surgery, liposuction involves some risks and complications. However, you can still control them by making sure you are in safe hands, doing your surgery in a reputable hospital that works with skilled, board-certified cosmetic doctors.

Liposuction side effects

Liposuction might be associated with some side effects:

  • Contour irregularities might appear, like skin bumpy or wavy as a result of poor elasticity of the skin.
  • Numbness might happen temporarily in the treated areas.
  • Infections are possible, but they are uncommon.
  • bleeding
  • Fluid might accumulate under the skin.
  • anesthesia complications
  • Liposuction scars

Liposuction recovery

After your liposuction surgery, you will dress up a support corset or bandage for a few weeks to help reduce bruising and swelling, and soreness. The swelling usually takes about a month to go away entirely.

After two weeks, you can resume your normal activities. The full results may not be visible for up to 6 months.

You should be aware that everyone’s situation is unique. Some patients may recover and receive their final results more quickly than others.

Liposuction post-operative instructions

If you want to get a fast recovery and ensure optimum results, you should follow those important instructions

  • Use the compression liposuction garment or dressing which are prescribed by your doctor. It may help you relieve the swelling.
  • It is encouraged to walk for a short period several times during the day.
  • Walking may help you reduce swelling and decrease the risk of blood clots.
  •  Avoid normal activities for 2 weeks.
  • Drink plenty of water to help you replenish the fluids which you lost during the surgery.
  • Take your medicines, such as pain medications and antibiotics prescribed by your doctor.
  • Avoid driving for a week after the operation.
  • Avoid smoking for five weeks after the operation.
  • Avoid direct sunlight to the incision and use sunscreen which helps you reduce the visibility of liposuction scars.
  • Going back to your normal lifestyle may not help with maintaining the operation’s results, it is recommended to follow a healthy and balanced diet.

How long does lipo last?

Liposuction is performed to last a lifetime. It disrupts the connection between fat cells, dissolves fat deposits, and permanently removes them from the body. However, you cannot close your eyes to the fact that the weight you have lost may return if you do not take action.

Liposuction surgery is an effective way to reshape your body, but it cannot prevent weight gain in the treated areas. If you do not take care of your lifestyle, including diet, exercise, and habits, you will most likely regain your weight, resulting in fat deposits in various parts of your body.

Can liposuction get rid of cellulite?

Liposuction procedure cannot help you get rid of cellulite. However, it may worsen your cellulite. Liposuction targets deep fat deposits beneath the skin, whereas cellulite is found near the skin’s surface, where liposuction does not work. Furthermore, liposuction can only remove fat from the body and cannot help reduce the fibrous bands that cause the appearance of cellulite.

Are liposuction results immediate?

Liposuction results can not be noticed immediately. After your procedure, your treated areas may look bigger due to swelling and fluid retention. When swelling disappears, your results begin to be visible.

Generally, the final results can be seen in 1-3 months after the operation. This period varies from one case to another, depending on the amount of fat to be removed. Furthermore, you shouldn’t feel worried if your full results take up to 6 months, it is completely normal.

Will liposuction cause loose skin?

Liposuction sometimes can cause loose skin in the treated areas. But, it is still not a big deal since loose skin usually can tighten over time and therefore there is no need for cosmetic surgery (liposuction without tummy tuck). In some cases that have to do with the amount of fat required to be removed or the age of the patient, liposuction with skin tightening are needed (liposuction with tummy tuck).

Does liposuction work on belly fat?

The answer to whether liposuction procedure can remove belly fat depends on the location of the fat in your body. Although liposuction can target any part of the body, it is only capable of removing fat from beneath the skin and above the muscles.

Liposuction cannot remove visceral or intra-abdominal fat found beneath the muscle and around the organs.

The best way to lose this type of fat is to exercise and eat properly, or to consider gastric surgery.

Is liposuction safe?

Liposuction is commonly considered to be a safe procedure. Liposuction, like other cosmetic surgeries, can cause numbness, bruising, swelling, pain, bleeding, and nerve damage.

All of these complications fade away after a short period. Liposuction can come with some risks, such as a blood clot in the lungs, infection, or bleeding under the skin. Choosing the right hospital and cosmetic surgeon can help to avoid these potentially dangerous complications.

Is liposuction painful?

Liposuction procedure is done under general anesthesia, so the patient feels no pain during the procedure. You will most likely experience mild pain following the surgery, but the medications prescribed by your doctor will control the pain, making you feel better.

Why liposuction doesn’t work for obesity?

Liposuction surgery is not a weight-loss solution. It is a procedure that can get rid of excess fat accumulated in different areas of your body and give you a slim contour.

So, if you suffer from obesity and look for a medical approach to deal with your overweight, you should consider other options. Gastric surgeries, which include sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, or gastric balloon can work perfectly for your situation.

Liposuction vs tummy tuck

While the goal of liposuction is to remove excess fat from any part of the body, a tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that targets the abdomen to remove sagging skin. It is worth mentioning that a tummy tuck can be performed after liposuction (liposuction with tummy tuck) in cases of excessive fat removal, which usually results in a large amount of skin that cannot be firm or tightened over time.

How much does liposuction cost in Turkey?

Generally, liposuction price is based on several factors, including the type of technique, the body parts that are targeted, and the qualification of the surgeon.

The average liposuction cost in Turkey is around $3000.

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